- Sometimes the addict / alcoholic is completely unaware of the damage they are causing.
- You would have heard, “Its not my fault”, “You made me do it”
- You have asked, “Where have you been”, “Who were you with”, “What did You do” to be met with “Nowhere”, “No-one”, “Nothing” or “Why are you asking so many questions”
- You have asked yourself what have you done wrong, is it something you are responsible for, how can you help them?
- The answers are: YOU are not responsible for their actions, you have not caused them to drink or drug to excess, these words may not comfort you but it is true.
- You are reading this page as you are affected by a family member who has an addiction.
- Some of us at Into Recovery have been affected by family addictions and are ready to listen and if you would like, we can help you move forward and get support for you.
- Your on this page now, message us, we are here for you.